Hello from the north coooold country of New Hampshire! Brrrr. I’m willing to bet there are more creative people in states like mine! Those who don’t really ski (or at least not in the deep side of winter) and need to keep busy. What better way than to write, get into theatrics, learn to play an instrument, photography, cooking and of course painting! (As you know, these are only a few creative outlets...there are SOOOO many!) We’re stuck inside anyways, so we may as well find something fun to do! BTW, did you know that NH was the home of many well known writers like John Irving, Robert Frost, Jodi Picoult and Dan Brown? Talented actors from NH are Seth Meyers and Adam Sandler. Famous artists: Maxwell Parish and many other more modern ones!
Gwen by Dee Lessard
Above is a painting I was commissioned to do. Gwen is her name and the parents received it in time for Christmas. I have hardly posted anything on my art blog because, well quite frankly, life just took over. I have only been able to get into the studio this past year primarily because I was committed to doing a couple of portraits. For that I am thankful. I’m not sure I would have made time otherwise. So many things happened in 2017 that kept me and our family busy and occupied. But 2018 has started out in a positive and upward motion and I hope it remains that way. The 30 paintings in 30 days challenge that I have done in the past has been changed to February this year! I was so excited to see that change because I run my own business and need January to get my tax info done. So, now we are on Feb 2nd and I still haven’t posted for day one! Uggg. The pressure! So, I am starting with showing you Gwen. And an image of me preparing some panels for the challenge. I am going to do my best to post each day....but may have to do two postings in one day. I’m not sure I can actually finish each painting....but even if it’s half done...I will post it. The main reason why they have this challenge is to just PAINT! So, I’m using this time to get back into the routine. I hope you will follow along. I would love to hear your feedback. Painting in the studio is a lonely place (though I don’t mind) but it’s nice to connect with the outside world. I love hearing from all of you who follow what I am doing.

Preparing for the 30 day challenge-day one!
You forgot to mention Don Galloway from Hooksett, was co star on Ironside in the 70s and Union Leader commentator in the early 2000s
Chris A.
You are right! There are many others I didn't mention. But the point being that we are all stuck inside so we use the time to be creative! Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment!
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