Here's to a happy and healthy 2016 for all of my fans, friends and family!
I was honored to be asked to paint a portrait of someone who lived a LONG time ago.
Here is a black and white photo I referenced, courtesy of the
Moffatt-Ladd House in Portsmouth, NH.
Mrs. Martha Bouton Cilley Clarke

Finished painting size(size is 26x30.)
I am SO excited to have a painting hanging as a permanent piece in a national museum!
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Here's to a happy and healthy 2016 for all of my fans, friends and family!
I was honored to be asked to paint a portrait of someone who lived a LONG time ago.
Here is a black and white photo I referenced, courtesy of the
Moffatt-Ladd House in Portsmouth, NH.
Mrs. Martha Bouton Cilley Clarke

Finished painting size(size is 26x30.)
Here is a little history about Mrs Clarke and why I was asked to do this painting:
She was NH’s first State Regent of the NHSODAR (NH State Organization, Daughters of the American Revolution) serving from 1891-1895.
Her portrait was a State Regent’s Project during the 125th Anniversary of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution. It will hang at DAR Headquarters in Washington, D.C. The NSDAR website is www.dar.org and the Museum Period Room where the portrait will hang is the NH Children’s Attic – here is a link to the virtual tour of the room is http://www.dar.org/museum/current-exhibition/new-hampshire.
I am SO excited to have a painting hanging as a permanent piece in a national museum!
What an honor! Thank you Phyllis Gagnon, the current NH State Regent (term 2013-2016) for the privilege to be a part of this wonderful project. I hope to go down in June for the unveiling of this during the week they have heir national Congress meeting. If you are in DC, you should check it out! (My brother in law lives in DC and says the DAR museum is their best kept secret!) Either way, you can see some of what this museum is like here: www.dar.org
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Absolutely Perfect! I'm a DAR member and you have done this woman justice. I've always loved your work and this painting just shows how impeccable you are. Congratulations on such a great honor. You deserve it.
Elizabeth - formally of NH myself.
The NH State Organization, Daughters of the American Revolution is very pleased with the portrait you produced, Dee. Mrs. Clarke was an amazing woman and deserves the honor of having her portrait hang in the NSDAR Museum. Thank you for accepting the commission and completing a stunning rendition of NH's First State Regent! Phyllis Gagnon, NH DAR State Regent.
Phyllis, I can't wait to see her hanging in her new "home"! It was a fun project and happy that you asked me to do this! Liz, How exciting to learn that you are also a DAR member! I'm so glad to hear from you!
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