Monday, March 11, 2013


I am attempting to make a post on my blog via my iPad. It's been a while and part of it is that I have hardly used my computer since getting this iPad last March or April. I guess convenience is everything! And of course there's a learning curve. Another thing to learn! Though I've had the app to do uploads to the blog, adding images from here is quite different. So, here I go....

Winters Waning 16x20 oil. By Dee Lessard

Above is a painting I currently have in a show called "eARTh". I am featured with a gentleman who is a wonderful craftsman in pottery. Together we put together this show. Most of my work is landscapes. From the earth, the pottery is formed and from what an artist see's the paintings are created. It all goes full circle!
I will post more paintings in the next few weeks!
If you are interested in purchasing anything, let me know. There are links below!
Remember eARTh without ART is just!

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