Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Rudy     5x7  oil by Dee Lessard

Here's a flower cheerfully taking in the sun! One of the may species my husband grows in our gardens out back! Every year I have to ask him to tell me the names of the flowers. They have two names usually...their formal name and then a nick name (usually something short) AND then he'll tell me additional names they may be known by! And he wonders why I can't remember the names!  But, if I paint them I sometimes remember. I tell him my memory chip is full! He understands because he says when he feels that way there's a concern that IMPORTANT information might get pushed out to make room for the other stuff...and he might forget the names of his kids!

This painting is available. If interested contact me HERE
Rudebeckia or Black Eyed Susan or "Rudy" as I decided to call them!

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